Editor’s Note: Today, we’re sharing a guest essay from Marc Chaikin, founder of Wide Moat Research’s corporate affiliate Chaikin Analytics. Marc has 50 years of experience in the markets as a trader, stockbroker, analyst, and head of the options department for a major brokerage firm. Today, he shows why every investor should have an “emergency beacon.” It’s the type of thing you hope you’ll never need… but you’ll be glad to have.

For the first three days, Brittany Farrish’s hiking trip was idyllic…

Farrish and a friend explored the Fryatt Valley of Jasper National Park in Alberta, Canada. And as nightfall approached on the third day, they relaxed on a glacial lake.

Some people spend a lifetime fantasizing about this type of trip.

But then… disaster struck.

As Farrish and her friend settled in for the night, they saw a flash of lightning in the distance. And as experienced hikers, they knew the area was suffering from a drought.

Still, it was time for bed. And a storm in the distance wouldn’t ruin their adventure.

That all changed by morning, though…

Farrish awoke to several urgent messages on her emergency beacon. Friends and family members were desperately trying to contact her.

The lightning storm had ignited a wildfire. And officials were evacuating the park.

Farrish and her friend raced to the trailhead. They knew it was a life-or-death situation.

The two women got to their car and headed for the highway. But they weren’t in the clear yet. Fallen trees blocked their way out of the area. And the trees were too big to move.

I’m sure you can understand their anxiety…

Stories of wildfires have once again filled the news recently. Images of people barely escaping the flames in California and other places are terrifying and tragic.

Fortunately, this wildfire-escape story ended well…

Remember, Farrish had her emergency beacon. I bet she never expected it to save her life. But serious hikers like Farrish buy these types of devices “just in case.”

These devices weigh just a few ounces. They’re the kinds of things you throw in your bag and hope you’ll never use. But if you do need one, it could save your life.

That’s what happened as Farrish’s just-in-case scenario unfolded that day…

A Garmin (GRMN) inReach Mini 2 satellite communicator costs a few hundred bucks. But that small investment likely saved the lives of Farrish and her friend.

The fallen trees made their escape impossible by car. And the park was on fire around them.

But because of Farrish’s Garmin device, the rescue team knew the exact location of the two women. They sent a helicopter. And in the end, Farrish and her friend escaped.

Folks, my point with this story is simple…

You need to make sure you have an emergency beacon for the market.

The market is currently fighting through a period of elevated volatility. And as I recently explained to my readers, that will likely continue to be the case in the coming weeks.

You need to know where the danger is. And you need to know when it’s time to step aside.

That’s why I’m hosting a special presentation next week. You see, for the past five years, my team and I have been developing a tool to help our subscribers protect themselves and prosper during the next market crash. It’s something entirely brand new to our business. And I’m finally ready to reveal it.

In a market like this, big opportunities need to be acted on quickly and investors need to avoid the sectors and stocks with the biggest risk. That’s precisely what our new strategy is designed to do.

If the recent volatility has you on edge, then I think the event will be worth your time. And as a thank you for attending, I’ll share the name of one stock and one ETF I’m recommending avoiding at all costs. You can learn more for yourself right here.

A small investment – in time, tools, or both – can make a big difference. It can be the deciding factor between great returns or investing disaster.

Good investing,

Marc Chaikin