The AI Ticking Time Bomb No One Is Talking About

On Monday, I will share one of the most crucial warnings of my career.

Had I been given such a warning before losing everything in 2009, a lot of pain and suffering for me and my family could have been avoided… but sadly, back then I don’t know if I would have listened.

But that won’t stop me from sharing this warning with you.

Whether you choose to tune in or not, is up to you.

But I won’t be able to live with myself if I don’t speak out and share what I know before it’s too late for someone else.

Starting as soon as November 30, the tech world and financial markets will be rocked by a crisis more than a decade in the making. And very few people are talking about it.

In fact, the rumblings about this upcoming crisis are just starting to bubble up in the news. And thank God, at least one billionaire is also speaking out.

So today I will share with you just one of the warning signs forming and provide you with an opportunity to sign up to hear the full story this coming Monday, September 25 at 11 a.m. E.T.

Another Billionaire Speaking Out

Earlier this month, Oaktree Capital Management co-founder Howard Marks told Bloomberg that he expects some pain ahead – that will include the commercial real estate (CRE) sector.

Marks, for those who don’t know, is a legendary billionaire. His company is the world’s largest investor in distressed securities, managing around $180 billion in assets today.

And he is expecting a surge of defaults from here.

“When you go through a period when it’s super easy to raise money… and you go into a period when it’s difficult to raise money, even for a good purpose, clearly many more companies are going to founder,” he said on Bloomberg Wealth With David Rubenstein.

Traditional banks are already becoming much pickier in who they lend to. They have to be, especially considering how they’re under pressure these days, too.

Translation: Even financially healthy CRE companies will find themselves harder-pressed to find funding.

Oaktree Capital Management is also a business development company (BDC), a specialized kind of financial entity that lends to emerging businesses, struggling businesses, or ones that otherwise can’t get ahold of traditional funding.

So it’s safe to say that Marks is an expert on non-traditional investments…

And is seeing the warning signs firsthand as they actively form over the broader CRE market.

The Pain Ahead

So how big is the pain that Marks sees ahead?

As big as the commercial real estate market itself.

In fact, we are looking at a potential commercial real estate market implosion.

And right now, that sector is worth more than $21 trillion to our economy. 

That’s nearly five times bigger than the last real estate bust when I lost everything and 10 times greater than the Dot-Com collapse.

And an odd but telling warning sign is the AI tech bubble that’s been growing.

The AI Tech Bubble

Five stocks are currently holding up the market.

Apple… Facebook (or Meta)… Google… Microsoft… NVIDIA.

Without them, as you can see below, the S&P 500 would likely be flat.

Thanks in no small part to AI and the revolutionary breakthrough of ChatGPT this year, these stocks are creating a bubble similar to the two right before the Great Recession and the Dot-Com bust.

And what happened right after both of these events?

Even the high-flying stocks crashed.

The “can’t-lose” stocks like Amazon, Apple, and Google each plunged by around 60% in just a few months amid the collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers.

And right now, my team and I are predicting a similar event that is going to take place as commercial real estate implodes.

It could happen as early as November 30.

So please, even if you have reservations, click here to sign up and save your spot for what I am calling the AI Time Bomb. It starts Monday at 11 a.m. E.T.

And you don’t want to miss it.

I understand if you are left with a lot of questions, but I will connect all the dots for you.

Just don’t forget to tune in.

If you do, you will not only have a chance to save your finances from the coming crisis, you’ll have the opportunity to gain returns of 1,000% or more. After all, if you are ahead of a crisis this big – you can grow your wealth exponentially.

So please join me Monday, September 25 at 11 a.m. ET.

You won’t regret it.

Happy SWAN (sleep well at night) investing,

Brad Thomas
Editor, Intelligent Income Daily