Profit From the Fed’s Lies With This Stock

The Fed is lying to you.

Recently, Fed Chair Jerome Powell said that the Fed and its 400 Ph.D. economists do not expect a recession.

At Intelligent Income Daily, we don’t trust other authorities to tell us the truth about the market, not even the Fed. We do our own research and bring you the best data, evidence, and facts we can find… even when the facts are troubling. This way, you can protect your hard-earned money and even profit from any coming short-term market pain.

Today, I’ll tell you how we know the Fed is lying to you about the upcoming recession, what this means for the stock market, and give you an opportunity to lock in a life-changing investment opportunity.

The Fed Is Lying About The Upcoming Recession

The Fed knows there is going to be a recession. How do I know?

Because the Fed is forecasting a peak unemployment rate of 4.1% by the end of 2023.

That’s an increase of 0.6% from the 3.5% rate achieved a few months ago, which was the lowest rate in 54 years.

Why is this significant?

According to the Fed’s own Sahm Rule, we’re in a recession if the unemployment rate rises by 0.5% since its recent low in a period of 12 months.

And this rule has accurately predicted the last six recessions and a California recession.

So, if the Fed is forecasting a 0.6% rise in the unemployment rate to 4.1% by the end of 2023, it’s predicting a recession… based on its own historically accurate real-time recession indicator.

This means that when you judge the Fed by its own rules – the Fed is lying to the American people.

So what does this mean for the stock market?

What This Means for The Stock Market

Investors who believe there will be no recession, are in for a nasty shock.

Since WWII, the average earnings decline during a recession is about 13%. And based on the earnings decline, we can predict what the peak decline in U.S. stocks will be from their record highs.

That means, right now we’re looking at a 22% to 28% decline in U.S. stocks based on my stock market model for the 2024 recession.

(Source: Wide Moat Research, Bloomberg, FactSet)

How do I know this?

Because earnings just declined 8% from recent highs. So if you look at the chart above that would be about a 26% decline give or take.

But we are also taking into consideration what the consensus is among most economists and analysts whose data I have verified. 

This is why right now, I am predicting between a 22% and 28% decline in the stock market.

Imagine how other investors who are unprepared will feel when the stock market falls another 22% or even 28%? All because they believed what the Fed was telling them…

Don’t let yourself fall into that category.

Prepare to Profit During the Upcoming Recession

So how can you prepare?

We have an entire portfolio of income generating stocks in our Intelligent Income Investor service, that can protect your hard-earned cash and grow your bottom line… but today I want to showcase just one that the Fed is not talking about.

It’s set to grow 340% over the long-term as it gets access to the $369 billion of government funding allocated to it… even as the recession hits.

And why haven’t you heard of it?

Well, there’s some political awkwardness surrounding it…

This profit play was created when Biden expanded one of Trump’s policies.

And when Biden or Trump agree with one another – they don’t want to publicize it.

So regardless of whether you’re a Biden or Trump supporter you can profit and grow your passive income stream with this stock.

I call it Biden’s Secret MAGA stock.

To find out what it is, protect your portfolio from the coming recession, and gain some great profits along the way – click here.

Make sure you watch what the Fed is doing and not just what it’s saying. You’ll be happy you paid attention.

Safe Investing,

Adam Galas
Analyst, Intelligent Income Daily