I planned to write to you about the energy markets and the opportunities we see in the years ahead.

But suddenly, that doesn’t seem very important anymore…

I was at home in South Carolina when I heard the news. And at first, I didn’t believe it.

“There’s no way,” I thought. “It must be some sort of hoax.”

But then I checked my phone and saw the headline: “Shots fired at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania."

I stepped outside to watch the video that has been playing on repeat since Saturday afternoon: President Trump speaking, gunshots, he grabs his ear (originally, it appeared he had reached for his neck), the Secret Service swarm.


People often say they remember exactly where they were when they heard that John Kennedy had been killed. Until the day I die, I’ll remember where I was when I thought the same had happened to President Trump.

But then, the rest of the video…

He jumps up – no doubt surging with adrenaline – and pumps his fist defiantly. The crowd starts to chant: U.S.A… U.S.A… U.S.A!

Cards on the Table

President Trump has always been a divisive figure. And for that reason, I’ve typically refrained from writing about him in these pages.

But not today. I’m going to put my cards on the table.

I’ve known Donald Trump for years, even before he was president. The Art of the Deal was hugely influential on my early career as a real estate developer. I literally wrote the book on his real estate holdings, The Trump Factor. For a short period, I even worked as an advisor on his campaign.

Source: Wide Moat Research

People love to hate the man. But I can tell you that most of the things they say about him are wrong.

Is he larger than life? Sure.

Does he mince words? Rarely.

Can he be a shrewd businessman? Absolutely.

He’s not perfect (who is?). But he is, first and foremost, a decent man that loves his country. After all, most people in his situation would have retired to the beach a long time ago. But he’s still going… at great personal risk.

I’ve stayed at Mar-a-Lago more times than I can count. You should see how the room lights up when he walks in. I spoke with him a few weeks ago and introduced him to my CEO, Porter Stansberry.

The guests, the waiters, even the young valets; they were all thrilled to see him. He knows most of the regulars by name, and he’ll make the rounds, asking how your mother is, if your daughter got into that college she applied to. And so on…

They love him for that.

It’s unbelievable – not to mention frightening – to think that a sudden turn of the head is all that prevented his death. I’m confident that God spared my good friend, and I’m so thankful that I will be able to see him again soon.

National Unity

It’s very strange to say, but in some ways, that would-be assassin brought the country together.

I’ve personally been overwhelmed to see the outpouring of well-wishes and support, even from the loudest critics like Obama, Clinton, and Biden. And it’s interesting to see outright endorsements come from the likes of Bill Ackman and Elon Musk.

It’s a cliché, but you really don’t know what you have until it’s gone. Many people – even those who never voted for him – were forced to consider what a world without him would look like. And they didn’t like it.

The Republican National Convention kicks off today. After what’s just unfolded, it’ll be one of the most-watched events of the year.

And if you plan to tune in, keep an eye out for your dear editor. I plan to get back on the Trump train this week with appearances on Fox and other networks.

Of course, as a Wall Street writer, I will be focused on policies and what they mean for the country (I believe they’ll be good).

I’m not telling you who to vote for. In fact, this really has nothing to do with politics at all.

There will be time to discuss the election, markets, and investments in the days ahead. But not now.

For now, I’m just happy that President Trump is okay. The world is a better place for it.


Brad Thomas
Editor, Intelligent Income Daily