How to Put the Odds in Your Favor With Every Trade

Editor’s note: It’s a remarkable result…

Veteran trader Jonathan Rose just released the results of a live six-week trading experiment. And he closed seven out of seven recommendations for an average gain of 125%.

Those who put just $2,500 into each trade would have walked away with more than $21,000 in profits… in less than two months.

This isn’t some anomaly, either. Jonathan has been an elite-level trader for more than 25 years. And as you’ll hear from him in the Q&A with our editor-in-chief, Chris Lowe, he uses a systematic approach to trading that puts the odds in his favor.

If you have any money set aside for trading, we suggest you pay attention to what he has to say. In fact, one indicator he uses finds trades that go up 90.3% of the time.

To find out all about it, attend his live Masters in Trading Summit today, May 8, at 10 am ET.

He’ll reveal details of this remarkable indicator… the results of his live trader experiment… and how you can use the same strategy to predict market moves in advance.

Q&A With Chris Lowe and Jonathan Rose

Chris Lowe: Jonathan, you’re well known in professional trading circles. But you’re new to our network. And I want to give folks who are tuning in for the first time a bit of background on your career. How did you get your start as a trader?

Jonathan Rose: I started in the trading “pits” of Chicago. I was one of those guys waving my hands around on the exchange floor. This was at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the late 1990s. It’s where a lot of agricultural products are traded.

I went on to become a partner and the Director of Trading at a proprietary trading firm. After my partners and I sold that firm to a hedge fund, I become a market maker at the world’s biggest options exchange, the Chicago Board Options Exchange.

These days, I dedicate my time to helping regular folks become master traders at my education company, Masters in Trading.

Chris: At the start of March, you recommended an interesting trade. You bet on bond prices falling by “shorting” the 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT). This was a bet on higher interest rates, as rising rates cause bond prices to fall.

At the time, the consensus view on Wall Street was that interest rates would fall as the Fed made cuts. Why did you see Treasury bond prices falling when most folks had the opposite opinion? What did you see that other people were missing?

Jonathan: This may surprise you. But it had nothing to do with the Fed… or my analysis of interest rates… or anything like that.

Everyone has opinions – including me. That’s fine. But opinions mean absolutely nothing to me as a trader. The only reason I placed that TLT trade is that there was an obnoxious amount of bearish activity showing up in the data I track.

That’s not an opinion about the market. That’s cold, hard market data. And it means there are a ton of people out there who are bearish.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned over my career is not to try to outsmart the market. Who cares what one person thinks when the market is clearly expressing itself like that?

This goes against what a lot of folks believe about traders. They think traders are these super smart people who can somehow see into the future. But that’s not how most professional traders make money.

You want to put the trade on rails and eliminate unreliable humans from the equation.

That includes me.

I’m human. That means I’m prone to believing all kinds of nonsense. Sure, I think I’m smart. But I also have the rare privilege of knowing I’m sometimes an idiot and prone to making mistakes.

I’d rather react to what’s actually going on in the market than reach for an opinion about what the market should be doing. I just don’t do that. There’s too much riding on the outcome. Trading for your livelihood makes you humble about your opinions.

I encourage your readers to trade this way, too. It removes a dangerously weak part of the trading process – the emotional human. Following a proven system fixes this weak link.

Of course, that system must put the odds in your favor. It’s the Las Vegas approach to dealing cards. They’re going to play blackjack for as long as you want to play. And they’re going to win. They don’t care if they lose money along the way. They have a system where the odds are in their favor. If they stick with it, they know they’ll make money.

I’ve been a professional trader for more than 25 years. I’ve seen all sorts of strategies. And I’ve made plenty of mistakes. What I’ve learned is you want to find something repeatable.

Don’t get me wrong. You can have great opinions. But opinions aren’t systematic. They’re subjective. And that’s not good enough as a trader.

I’ve found that, all too often, people let financial myths and fairy tales guide their investment decisions. I prefer to let the proof do the guiding. And to put the odds on my side.

Chris: What system do you use as a trader?

Jonathan: There’s one strategy that stands head and shoulders above the rest.

Almost every professional market maker I’ve ever met uses it. And it has an uncanny ability to give you advanced notice of major market moves – days before they hit. 

In fact, over the last three years, 90.3% of the calls I’ve made using this strategy have gone up.

And not just by a little…

I’ve used it to make gains as high as 279% in a single day… 650% in three days… 1,046% in 27 days… 1,900% in four days… and 5,327% in 13 days.

Even better, anyone can use this indicator to make outsized gains.

Earlier this year, I ran a live six-week experiment to prove it. I showed a group of regular folks how to use this strategy. And I gave them the chance to close seven straight winning trades for an average gain of 125%.

Folks who put $2,500 into each trade could have walked away with more than $21,000 in profits.

Historically, the S&P 500 has provided an average yearly return of about 10%. So, it would take your average buy-and-hold investor more than a decade to achieve those types of returns. But folks who followed my systematic trades were able to do it in a matter of weeks.

And to make it as easy as possible, I’ve created a brand-new research tool that helps uncover these same types of fast money opportunities with ease.

And I’ll be laying it all out in detail for free at my Masters in Trading Summit today, May 8, at 10 am ET.

And I hope as many of your readers as possible will join me.

Everyone who registers will get access to my three-part training tutorial on this strategy.

They’ll also get access to video interviews leading up to the event, revealing how regular folks are using this strategy to find trading success.

Chris: Thanks so much for sharing this with me and our readers. I’m looking forward to hearing more about it today.

Jonathan: You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure. Today’s summit is the biggest event of my career. And I couldn’t be more excited to share all the details of my strategy with folks who attend.