Don’t Believe the Kamala Hype…Trump Is Winning This Election

You knew this was coming.

It’s an election season rooted in unreality.

 As soon as Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race – or, more accurately, was shoved out – the establishment media’s next steps were clear.

They’ve embarked on an all-out propaganda blitzkrieg.

Anything to help Kamala Harris, the newly anointed Democrat savior, win. It has been an article of faith for Democrats for eight years now that Trump is a “threat to our democracy.”

That means, as far as they’re concerned, whatever it takes to beat him is justified… even if it means foisting a candidate that nobody actually voted for to the top of the ticket.

No lie is too absurd. No debasement of professional integrity is too extreme.

So, the fanciful fabrications about Kamala Harris have been nonstop. Suddenly, Kamala is the most spectacular leader since saint Barack Obama himself.

“Harris used to Worry about Laughing. Now Joy is Fueling her Campaign” one New York Times editorialist writes. “Kamala Harris is Already Changing the Face of Presidential Power” another New York Times sycophant scribbles.

No rational adult American reading this stuff could be blamed for laughing out loud.

Every Record Destroyed

The Kamala-boosters hope we don’t notice the whiplash. It wasn’t long ago – as in just a few months ago – that Kamala was considered a drag on the Joe Biden ticket for 2024. That’s right – Democrats were actually worried that Kamala would hurt the reelection chances of a senile President Biden.

But as soon as she became the Democrat nominee, Kamala could count on the full weight of the Democrat apparatus behind her. For their first trick, Democrat media tried, Soviet-style, to re-write Kamala’s four years as vice president.

Was she ever really the “border czar,” they asked? Technically, there is no such position, the journalist toadies insisted. So, the fact that President Joe Biden tapped his underwhelming, underperforming VP to take over the border portfolio is suddenly wiped away.

Also, there are built-in benefits of just being Kamala Harris. She’s a woman of both Black and South Asian ancestry. For a Democrat party (and corporate America) obsessed with checking off the diversity boxes, the right gender and skin color are great reasons to make someone commander-in-chief.

If you question that, the Harris/Walz campaign wants you to know you’re racist and sexist.

That brings us to Kamala’s first major decision as would-be president.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has the politics of the San Francisco Bay area dropped in the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes. He’s a socialist tyrant wrapped in the fluffy exterior of a midwestern soccer dad.

If you want to know how well his tenure as governor has gone, the numbers tell the story. More Minnesotans have fled their home state while Walz was governor than at any time over the last 30 years. Turns out when your governor is a lunatic who bends the knee to BLM rioters in downtown Minneapolis and has a wife who said she left her windows open to luxuriate in the smell of burning tires during those riots – people start to have questions.

There’s also the problem of “stolen valor” accusations against Walz. Here’s a guy who did serve in the military but was neither deployed to a war zone nor saw any combat. But for years, he has been fond of telling audiences he “carried weapons in war” (false) and served in Operation Enduring Freedom, meaning the war in Afghanistan (also false).

As the most senior non-commissioned officer of his battalion, Walz slyly ended his military service just before his National Guard unit deployed. Many veterans have spoken out to call this a betrayal of military brotherhood, and of a commander’s expected loyalty to his troops.

JD Vance – Walz’s competition for the vice president slot – is a Marine veteran himself, who hasn’t held back in his criticism of Walz on this score, saying, “You abandoned your unit right before they went to Iraq.”

Can Kamala Win?

Despite all this, some of the most recent polls show that Kamala/Walz is ahead of Trump/Vance in at least three battleground states. This is quite a switch from just a month ago, with Biden still atop the ticket.

Republicans then were having serious conversations about winning blue strongholds like New Jersey, Minnesota, and maybe even New York. That electoral reckoning is what panicked Pelosi, Schumer, and the Democrat elite, and resulted in the defenestration of blue-collar Joe from the campaign trail.

Source: The New York Times/ X

Not so fast.

Yes, Kamala has brought the Democrat base back to the table, and she has stopped the freefall of support that Biden suffered after his disastrous debate. But Democrats are enjoying the best of times for Kamala Harris right now.

She can ably read a teleprompter, can string several sentences together, and appears to understand what general time zone she’s in – those qualities alone make her a step up from the last guy.

But Kamala’s real weakness has always been the impromptu moments – debates, unscripted interviews, etc. Perhaps that’s why she still has not given an interview to any press outlets.

She’s the kind of inauthentic, aloof, entitled politician who cannot withstand the scrutiny of regular people.

The election is less than 90 days away, meaning her campaign will move at lightning speed. But it’s still far too long for the Harris handlers to simply run out the clock. At some point, Kamala is going to have to speak to reporters without a teleprompter or the assistance of a script in hand. Disaster is likely to ensue.

Kamala has also agreed to debate Donald Trump. Now, Trump on the debate stage is a wild card, but given the poise and focus he showed in his knockout punch showdown with Biden, it’s a safe bet that Trump will show up ready to rumble on September 10. 

Most importantly, the real math in this election still favors Trump by a wide margin. Trump’s secret weapon on election day is non-college-educated white guys.

Working-class white voters in the Rust Belt delivered Trump his astounding victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016. Trump’s comparative underperformance with that same group was his undoing in 2020 (along with Covid rule changes- and a whole bunch of election shenanigans).

This time around, the non-college-educated, white male voter has suffered through years of exploding inflation and the worst illegal immigration crisis (around 10 million pouring in) of any administration in American history.

What will those voters think of Kamala Harris, who reminds everyone of the HR bureaucrats who mandate hours of pointless “diversity training,” droning on about nonsense, and hypersensitive to even the most minor perceived sleight?

Kamala is enjoying her honeymoon, no doubt. But my prediction remains the same.

Trump will win. He’s going to come out on top in Pennsylvania and pick off either Michigan or Wisconsin. It will be a close race, but the Donald will deliver.

From there, let’s hope he really does Make America Great Again.


Buck Sexton
Editor, Message From Buck