AI Meets Crypto – The Merger You Don’t Want to Miss

Editor’s Note from Brad Thomas:

Not many people know that my colleague Teeka Tiwari was one of the very first crypto newsletter writers back in 2015. For almost a decade now, those following him have grown their wealth and made fortunes from his research. 

Teeka was a first mover then and is a first mover now as AI meets crypto.

Personally, I find crypto unpredictable. But Teeka’s method of using small bets in strategic plays has proved successful for hundreds of his long-time readers. That’s why I’m sharing his expert insight for those who are interested in this space.

If you have money set aside for more speculative plays… I recommend you tune in to Teeka’s special event tonight at 8 p.m. ET and hear about the Secret AI Project: C.O.N.A.N.

Today, I will give Teeka the floor to share more about his latest investment opportunity… and his patented research combining crypto trading with brand-new AI technology.

By Teeka Tiwari, Editor, Palm Beach Daily

I’ve picked the best-performing crypto on the market for six years in a row.

I’ve also been voted the most-trusted crypto expert by a panel of 130,000 independent analysts.

When it comes to cryptocurrency, no one has given more people the chance to transform their lives than I have.

Since 2016, I’ve picked a total of 27 tokens that exploded higher by at least 1,000%. Many went much higher than that.

For example, I gave readers the chance to turn $1,000 into as much as $367,515 in Binance… $1,000 into as much as $543,000 in Ethereum… And even $1,000 into over $1.5 million in Neo in just 11 months.

Because of these mind-blowing results, I’ve received multiple testimonies from my readers detailing their “rags to riches” stories.

But before identifying the life-changing opportunities in crypto, there was another trend I nailed for my readers: artificial intelligence (AI).

Here’s what I wrote in the December 2015 issue of my former Mega Trends newsletter. (Mega Trends merged with The Palm Beach Letter in June 2016):

In the same way that the computer defined the latter half of the 20th century, the 21st century will be defined by artificial intelligence.

I’ve never found a company that possessed the ability to go up as much as Nvidia will.

It’s poised to become the next tech giant because of its pioneering work in the field of artificial intelligence.

At the time, Nvidia shares traded at a split-adjusted price above $8. Since I wrote that issue, shares of Nvidia have jumped as high as 5,246%.

Before everyone jumped on the AI bandwagon, my research told me Nvidia had figured out a way to teach a machine the way a human would teach a child.

I predicted Nvidia’s technology would ensure that its chips would lie at the heart of the AI revolution. And that has proven to be 100% correct.

Here’s why I’m telling you this…

While everyone is focusing on apps like ChatGPT and AI stocks like Nvidia, I’ve been researching a merger between AI and crypto.

And it could become one of the most explosive ideas of my career.

Before I get to it, let me explain how I came up with this idea…

The Merger of AI and Crypto

Those who have followed me for a long time know crypto is the most volatile asset in the world.

Already this year, we’ve seen bitcoin go from a low of about $16,000 to a high near $32,000 and then back down under $25,000.

It’s been a roller-coaster ride.

I can’t tell you how many times my crypto trades have been in the red. And not just by a little. I’ve sat on paper losses as much as 90% before watching them regain all their losses and go on to make thousands of percent in gains.

I know this is going to sound crazy…

But I’ve been working on a new AI crypto project that could potentially capture most of the upside of cryptos… while avoiding many of those nasty downturns.

I get it: If someone told me you could capture the upside of these explosive moves before I started working on this new AI crypto project… I would’ve agreed that it sounds crazy.

I’m here to tell you, yes, it IS possible to capture all of that upside volatility… if you trade inside specific 60-day cycles.

Instead of waiting years, you could cash out with your profits in 60 days or less… And you can avoid many of those periods where the coin isn’t doing much.

That’s why tonight at 8 p.m. ET… I’m holding a special event to announce the launch of my new crypto AI trading system.

I’m calling it Teeka Tiwari’s Secret AI Project: C.O.N.A.N.

Ready for the World

I timed the launch of C.O.N.A.N. to take advantage of this historic 60-day cycle.

You see, this AI algorithm discovered that most of the gains in the crypto space happen in a cyclical period that lasts 60 days at a time.

This AI can pinpoint the exact moment these cycles begin… and when they end… giving you a chance to accelerate your crypto gains without having to sit through the downside volatility.

And it has just triggered three new buy alerts.

My team recently filed a patent on this AI. And now that this tech is patent-pending… I’m ready to introduce it to the world.

That’s why I’m going live tonight at 8 p.m. ET with all the details of this project.

Please note: Spots for this project will be extremely limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. So I urge you to join the waitlist now so you can be one of the first people to sign up once registration starts.

During this event, I’ll share more details about this new crypto AI trading system. I’ll also give away the first-ever crypto trade from my new C.O.N.A.N. system… completely free of charge.

I believe this free pick will have the potential to capture up to 25x your money in 60 days.

And this isn’t just wishful thinking. The free recommendations I’ve given away in past broadcasts have an average peak gain of more than 1,200%.

My new AI large language model (LLM) has the potential to return these types of returns in 60 days or less.

Friends, I’ve been following the development of AI for a long time. I picked Nvidia back in 2015 when nobody was talking about it.

I did the same thing in 2016 when I was the first newsletter editor to recommend bitcoin and Ethereum.

Today, I’m telling you that the groundbreaking technologies behind these ideas – AI and crypto – are merging into something absolutely revolutionary.

In the past, my readers had to sometimes wait months or years for six- or seven-digit gains in crypto.

With my patent-pending AI trading LLM, you could see those types of gains in 60 days or less… while avoiding many of those periods where a coin isn’t doing much.

So click here now and join the waitlist for my urgent AI briefing. And I’ll see you tonight at 8 p.m. ET.

Let the Game Come to You!

Big T