AI Cannot Exist Without This Mission-Critical Asset

When you try and think of all that artificial intelligence (AI) will be capable of in the future… the sky is the limit.

And companies know this.

That’s why most are boosting their information technology (IT) departments.

A whopping 76% of chief investment officers (CIOs) are increasing their IT budgets to more heavily focus on AI and machine-learning solutions, according to a study by Algorithmia.

And this increased spending on AI by such a large portion of the market has captured our attention at Intelligent Income Daily. Remember, our goal is to find you the best income opportunities the market has to offer.

And oh boy, has this created one.

But while most CIOs are focused on investing in and purchasing AI technology directly, we know AI’s ever-emerging applications can’t operate in a vacuum.

Its development is actually very dependent on another kind of business altogether.

Today, I’ll tell you about this business… the AI mission-critical infrastructure it owns and operates… and show you how you can profit from the AI boom without taking risky bets.

The Internet’s Powerhouse

The success of the business I just mentioned doesn’t depend on early-in advantages, hot trends, or speculation.

It’s already been established for quite some time and, as such, is much more stable.

The recent breakthroughs in AI this year have only provided it with more incredible growth opportunities.

So, what business am I talking about?

Data storage. And more specifically, data centers…

Data centers are properties that house computer servers and network equipment in very specialized buildings.

Right now, there are about 8,000 data centers worldwide. And the U.S. is leading the charge with just over 2,700.

They’re so essential to the development of AI that Nvidia predicts $1 trillion will be spent on upgrading data centers over the next four years.

Data centers are mission critical infrastructures not only to AI, but to almost everything we do in our modern life.

In fact, very few industries today don’t run on technology and computer-based programs backed by data centers.

Your water, your electricity, quite possibly your car (depending on what type you own), definitely your bank, and your dividend payments… All are dependent on data centers.

In other words, data centers are critical.

And even more so now in the new age of AI.

According to the Wall Street Journal, AI already accounts for 20% of global data center usage. And that demand will only grow…

Data Center Income Opportunity

Regardless how you feel about speculative tech companies, the AI trend is hard to deny. And it’ll be a tailwind for the best data center companies in the world.

So how can you profit from all the money flowing into AI that is absolutely dependent on data centers?

By investing in one particular company that owns 300 data centers worldwide.

In fact, one of the most successful companies in the world – Amazon – also entrusts this company’s infrastructure with running its AWS system and online commerce.

Without data centers, Amazon would not be able to generate the $895,000 in profits it makes every 60 seconds.

And Amazon is only increasing its dependence on data centers as it increases its budget for AI. 

This month, Amazon announced it’s investing $4 billion into an AI startup called Anthropic.

As Amazon’s data needs grow, so will the business it gives to my favorite data center. And the best part? It pays out a healthy, and growing, dividend to shareholders.

That is why I am calling this data center income-generating opportunity the “Amazon Royalty” play.

To find out the name of this company and all the details of how to profit from the massive amount of money heading its way, click here.

Increased spending on data centers is only going to grow as the demand for AI increases along with its global data center usage.

Make sure you claim your piece without making speculative bets… and set yourself up to earn income as it plays out.

Happy SWAN (sleep well at night) investing,

Brad Thomas
Editor, Intelligent Income Daily