Wide Moat Platinum

If you want it all, look no further than Wide Moat Platinum. This is the highest level of membership currently offered from Wide Moat Research. You’ll gain access to all of the benefits from our Silver and Gold tiers, and you’ll be among the first to access new publications we launch. With Wide Moat Platinum, you’ll have access to every single opportunity across Wide Moat… every publication we ever publish… AND for as long as we publish.

  • Intelligent Options Advisor
    1. Lead analyst Stephen Hester shares options strategies designed to maximize income without sacrificing safety. These all-weather strategies excel in bull and bear markets alike.
    2. Frequency: Second Thursday
  • High-Yield Advisor
    1. Alternative investments designed to produce double-digit yield with maximum security.
    2. Frequency: Fourth Thursday
  • The Wide Moat Letter
    1. Brad Thomas will share his favorite “wide moat” stock to own including a detailed writeup and full investment thesis.
    2. Frequency: First Monday
  • The Conviction List
    1. The Conviction List shares our highest conviction recommendations within our model portfolio. It’s a perfect guide for any investor looking to begin building a “wide moat” portfolio.
    2. Frequency: Second Monday
  • Plus, you’ll have access to all special reports and bonuses that are included in both the gold and silver level publications.

Publication’s Expert

Brad Thomas is a value investor and advisor with over three decades of investing experience under his belt.

Learn more about Brad